How Mold Remediation Can Protect Your Property And Your Health

Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings Guide

Concern about indoor exposure to mold has been increasing as the public becomes aware that exposure to mold can cause a variety of health effects and symptoms, including allergic reactions. This document presents guidelines for the remediation/cleanup of mold and moisture problems in schools and commercial buildings; these guidelines include measures designed to protect the health of building occupants and remediators

It has been designed primarily for:

Building managers


Others who are responsible for commercial building and school maintenance

It should serve as a reference for potential mold and moisture remediators. Using this document, individuals with little or no experience with mold remediation should be able to make a reasonable judgment as to whether the situation can be handled in-house. It will help those in charge of maintenance to evaluate an in-house remediation plan or a remediation plan submitted by an outside contractor

Contractors and other professionals who respond to mold and moisture situations in commercial buildings and schools may also want to refer to these guidelines.

Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any organic substance, as long as moisture and oxygen are present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods, and insulation. When excessive moisture accumulates in buildings or on building materials, mold growth will often occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains undiscovered or unaddressed. It is impossible to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment. However, mold growth can be controlled indoors by controlling moisture indoors.

Molds reproduce by making spores that usually cannot be seen without magnification. Mold spores waft through the indoor and outdoor air continually. When mold spores land on a damp spot indoors, they may begin growing and digesting whatever they are growing on in order to survive. Molds gradually destroy the things they grow on.


Use professional judgment to determine prudent levels of Personal Protective Equipment and containment for each situation, particularly as the remediation site size increases and the potential for exposure and health effects rises. Assess the need for increased Personal Protective Equipment, if, during the remediation, more extensive contamination is encountered than was expected.

These guidelines are for damage caused by clean water. If you know or suspect that the water source is contaminated with sewage, or chemical or biological pollutants, then the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires PPE and containment. An experienced remediation professional should be consulted immediately.

Select method most appropriate to your situation. Since molds gradually decompose the organic materials they feed on, if mold growth is not addressed promptly, some items may be damaged such that cleaning will not restore their original appearance. If mold growth is heavy and items are valuable or important, you may wish to consult with us or another restoration/water damage/remediation expert. Please note that these are guidelines; other cleaning methods may be preferred by some professionals.

Cleanup Methods

Method 1: Wet vacuum (in the case of porous materials, some mold spores/fragments will remain in the material but will not grow if the material is completely dried). Steam cleaning may be an alternative for carpets and some upholstered furniture.

Method 2: Damp-wipe surfaces with plain water or with water and detergent solution (except wood—use wood floor cleaner); scrub as needed.

Method 3: High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuum after the material has been thoroughly dried. Dispose of the contents of the HEPA vacuum in well-sealed plastic bags.

Method 4: Discard – remove water-damaged materials and seal in plastic bags while inside of containment, if present. Dispose of as normal waste. HEPA vacuum area after it is dried.


Minimum: Gloves, N-95 respirator, goggles/eye protection

Limited: Gloves, P-100 respirator or half-face respirator with HEPA filter, disposable overalls, goggles/eye protection

Full: Gloves, disposable full body clothing, head gear, foot coverings, full-face powered respirator with HEPA filter

Mold Remediation Guidelines

Learn the Guidelines of Correctly Performing Mold Removal

Mold is a fungus that is found naturally in our environment. While it is found everywhere, it becomes a problem when its spores reproduce inside your home or building. Once it is determined that you have a problem, your next step is to get it removed as quickly as possible.

Any Contractor can offer mold remediation, the challenge is finding one who can perform the removal services without the mold coming back or spreading throughout the home or commercial property. The following are the various guidelines that all mold removal contractors should be following

As with all guidelines, you must remember that these are not rules or laws but suggestions that have had success and are used as bench marks for successful mold removal.

version of Mold Damage Restoration Guidelines, were actually the first (one of the first) produced for the public nationwide for mold removal. These guidelines, once the norm for mold damage cleanup, are almost never used because the EPA and the IICRC guidelines are more popular.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed their own set of rules to assist homeowners and property owners on removal. The EPA established their guidelines based upon the size and amount of visible mold you have.

Guidelines for Mold Clean Up

The following guidelines apply to small mold clean up projects not exceeding approximately 10 square feet of impacted surface area. Remediation of larger areas of mold contamination may require additional safeguards that are not included in these basic guidelines. The Environmental Health and Safety Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) coordinator should be contacted to review the remediation procedures prior to commencing any large scale mold clean up

Surface Mold Growth on Non-porous Surfaces

Non-porous surfaces can typically be satisfactorily cleaned to remove any visible mold growth. Plastic, vinyl, glass, sealed wood and concrete fall into this category.

Mold growth on non-porous surfaces can be removed by damp wiping with a water and detergent solution. Wiping cloths must be damp, not wet or soaked, in order to minimize the amount of water added to the materials being cleaned.

Wiping cloths should be replaced frequently particularly if numerous pieces of furniture or large surface areas are involved. All wiping cloths must be disposed of following completion of the job.

The use of biocides (i.e. chlorine bleach) is not recommended except under special circumstances. (contact EH&S for additional guidance)

Minimum personal protective equipment must include eye protection and disposable gloves.

Removal of Small Areas of Mold Contaminated Porous Building Materials

Porous building materials (i.e. drywall, ceiling tiles, insulation, carpet) that are visibly moldy as a result of water damage cannot be satisfactorily cleaned and therefore must be discarded.

Removal of the material must be done with a minimum of disturbance to limit the chance of worker exposure and to prevent the spread of mold contamination to areas outside of the work area.

Drop cloths to protect the floor and relocating or covering furniture in the general work area should be done as needed to lessen the risk of additional contamination of surrounding surfaces.

Moldy materials should be lightly misted with water prior to removal to reduce the threat of spore and dust dispersal.

Areas surrounding the removed material must be damp wiped, HEPA vacuumed or both following removal of the mold. The extent of additional cleaning will be determined by what is removed.

Minimum personal protective equipment must include eye protection and disposable gloves. The use of an N-95 NIOSH approved respirator is also recommended. (Please note that the University has certain requirements that must be satisfied prior to wearing a respirator.)

Removal of Large Areas of Mold Contaminated Building Materials

This refers to areas of contamination exceeding 10 square feet.

Large areas of mold remediation may require the use of special techniques and procedures including full containments and upgraded respiratory protection.

The EH&S IEQ Coordinator must be contacted to review the work plan for any planned large scale mold remediation activities prior to the start of work.

General Mold Clean Up Considerations

Mold contaminated material is not regulated and can be disposed of as regular waste. In order to prevent the spread of mold to non-affected areas in a building, contaminated material must be removed from the work area in a sealed disposal bag or wrapped in plastic.

A commercial HEPA vacuum cleaner must be used whenever vacuuming of a work area as part of the mold remediation process is required.

Be aware that the removal of moldy material may result in an impact on asbestos particularly if carpet or plaster is involved. Please check with EH&S to verify whether a remediation project might also impact an asbestos containing material, particularly in buildings constructed prior to 1985.

Whenever possible, work areas should be unoccupied during mold clean up activities.

Removal of mold from an air conditioning system requires specialized work procedures. The EH&S office should be contacted for additional information.


Mold poses a significant threat to property and the health of homeowners all over. Indoor exposure to mold can lead to different health complications, allergies included. To make it worse, most homeowners are not aware that mold has invaded their home until the physical signs show up

The truth is that even a small water leak is enough to cause undetected growth and spread of mold in your home.

All the same, there is always a way to fight mold before it becomes a major issue in your home, and this is what this guide is all about. Before we even go to the basics of mold remediation

Mold can grow in any place, as long as there is a food source, darkness, warmth, oxygen, and enough moisture. Rockville has a high humidity rate since there is plenty of water in the area. This is in consideration that there are creeks, ponds, channels, and water parks in the area that intensify the levels of humidity.

Common sources of mold

Mold is typically all around us, but in minimal quantities that are hard to detect. When presented with suitable conditions, however, mold can grow quickly and cause a lot of damage in a short span. The most common sources of mold in your home include damaged roofing, poor ventilation, and high relative humidity, basement flooding, condensation, and others. Basically, the main reason why mold may thrive in your home is dampness, brought about by too much moisture.

Common places where mold grows

The most common places where mold grows in homes are basements, bathrooms, and kitchens at times. This is in consideration that these areas may have a lot of moisture, creating a suitable thriving condition for mold. To discourage mold in your home, you should consider inspecting these areas regularly for leaky plumbing, poorly sealed spaces such as windows, inadequate insulation or any other issue that may encourage dampness.