Power Up With All Things Electrical
comprehensive electrical department filled with all the supplies and tools you need to power up your home. From electrical wire and cable, wire connectors and fuses to home security systems, dimmers and switches, your one-stop shop for everything electrical. also know that electrical projects can be a big undertaking, especially for those who don’t have a lot of experience.
Smart Home and Security
We understand that keeping your home and family safe is your top priority. That’s why have every home security essential to create a safe, comfortable home including carbon monoxide detectors, smart doorbells, cameras and home alarm kits.
Want to keep your appliances and gadgets safe from outages? Check out our selection of surge protectors to guard against unwanted and unsafe electrical voltages. Have small children in the home? Don’t forget about outlet covers to prevent kids from accidental injuries.
Home Entertainment Needs
There are plenty of ways to make your home more enjoyable with home audio and video devices including speakers, TV mounts, streaming devices and more. Whether you want to run speakers throughout your entire home or just a few in a media room
Alternative Energy Solutions
Need a portable generator on hand in case of storms and outages? have plenty of portable options to choose from that range in price and power to suit your needs. Considering powering your home with solar power? Check out selection of solar panels — some of which are designed for RV and camper use and others for the whole home.
Electrical Wiring
First, some background. Understanding “hot” neutral and ground. This from Schneider Electric helps explain the purpose and nature of each of the three conductors.
“Electrical power flows in the form of current, which must pass through the equipment and then return to the power source. Therefore, it is convenient to think of one wire to the load being the “source” wire and one being the “return” wire. This simple model is appropriate for DC systems but does not work for an AC system because the flow of the power is continually reversing direction with a frequency of 50 or 60 times per second. From the point of view of the equipment or the power source, the source and return wires are constantly being interchanged. In fact, no equipment can tell which wire is which! It is easily demonstrated that the two power wires to any piece of AC equipment can be interchanged without any effect on function. In fact, in Europe [and the Philippines], the plug on a piece of equipment can be plugged in either way! This fact of symmetry seems to be at odds with the distinct labeling of the AC power wires as “hot” and “neutral”. The reason that one of the power wires is named “neutral” is because it is connected directly to the building ground connection at the circuit breaker panel. Therefore it is connected directly to the grounding (third) wire. In essence, then, two of the three wires at the wall receptacle are actually grounded wires, one being used for power flow, and the other connected only to exposed metal parts on the equipment. The power wire that is grounded is called the “neutral” wire because it is not dangerous with respect to exposed metal parts or plumbing. The “hot” wire gets its name because it is dangerous. The grounding of the neutral wire is not related to the operation of electrical equipment but is required for reasons of safety.”
However, it is possible to wire in 120 VAC circuits and outlets by using only one of the load wires and a neutral. These 120 V outlets are seen in hotels, some condos and other places which expect American visitors. Visitors must keep in mind that the uses the same style of wall outlets as you see in America, but that the outlet is supplying 240 V, not 120 V. Plugging a 120 V appliance into a 240 V outlet will generally destroy the appliance.
OUTSIDE OF BIG CITIES: Two wire 230V Systems Areas outside of the old established cities were electrified later and use a different and more economical system using a two wire service drop to the residence. This consists of one 230 VAC load wire and one neutral wire. 120 VAC cannot be supplied by this type of system unless the property owner, at his own expense and with the cooperation of the utility company, installs his own transformer at the utility pole, a transformer having a secondary winding which can supply 120 VAC. This is not impossible as many utility transformers are recycled from the U.S., but it is expensive and in our view the 230 V systems are better unless the homeowner ships expensive appliances from the U.S. It will be difficult to find parts and service for these imported 120 V appliances.
Electricity and electric currents
Electricity carries electrical energy and, as you have seen, electrical energy can change into other forms of energy. Electrical energy can change into light energy when it flows through a lamp. It can change into heat energy in an electric toaster. It can also change into other forms of energy.
Materials that allow electricity to pass through them are called conductors. Copper wire is a good conductor. Materials that do not allow electricity to pass through them are called insulators. Plastic is a good insulator
What is an electric current?
To produce an electric current, three things are needed: a supply of electric charges (electrons) which are free to flow, some form of push to move the charges through the circuit and a pathway to carry the charges. The pathway to carry the charges is usually a copper wire.
The flow of electricity can be likened to a flow of water through a pipe. Water comes from the dam and is forced through a pipe by a pump or by gravity. The supply of water is the dam, the push is the pump or gravity and the pipe is the pathway.
What is a Circuit?
One of the first things you’ll encounter when learning about electronics is the concept of a circuit. This tutorial will explain what a circuit is, as well as discuss voltage in further detail.
Voltage and How it Works
You’ve probably heard that a battery or a wall outlet has a certain number of volts. This is a measurement of the electrical potential produced by the battery, or the utility grid connected to the wall outlet.
All those volts are sitting there waiting for you to use them, but there’s a catch: in order for electricity to do any work, it needs to be able to move. It’s kind of like a blown-up balloon; if you pinch it off, there is air in there that could do something if it’s released, but it won’t actually do anything until you let it out.
Unlike air coming out of a balloon, electricity can only flow through materials that can conduct electricity, such as copper wire. If you connect a wire to a battery or wall outlet (WARNING: the voltage in a wall outlet is dangerous, don’t do this!), you will be giving the electricity a path to follow. But if the wire isn’t connected to anything else, the electricity won’t have anywhere to go and still won’t move.
What makes electricity move? Electricity wants to flow from a higher voltage to a lower voltage. This is exactly like the balloon: the pressurized air in the balloon wants to flow from inside the balloon (higher pressure) to outside the balloon (lower pressure). If you create a conductive path between a higher voltage and a lower voltage, electricity will flow along that path. And if you insert something useful into that path like an LED, the flowing electricity will do some work for you, like lighting up that LED. Huzzah!
What Electrical Work Can I Do Myself?
electrical work are much stricter on DIYers than in most other countries, and for good reason. Electrical work is dangerous if you don’t know exactly what you are doing 100% of the time, and only a fully licensed, trained and experienced electrical tradesperson will fit that criteria. If you are a licensed tradie and you’re doing your own electrical work, not a problem, but the rules are entirely different for the average home handyperson. This article covers some of the things you are allowed to do as an amateur, as well as what the consequences might be if you are caught doing electrical work that you are not qualified for.
Can I Do These Simple Electrical Tasks?
Many everyday people around would be guilty of doing these seemingly more simple electrical tasks at some point in their lives, and may have performed some of these tasks without even knowing they have actually broken any laws.
These include things like:
Replacing a light switch or power point
Building your own extension lead
Repairing an electrical appliance
Installing a new light fitting
Attaching a new plug to the end of a lead
Replacing a lead on an appliance
Installing a ceiling fan
What are the Consequences of Doing Illegal Electrical Work?
The biggest consequence by far is that you, or someone else, could get electrocuted. Another is the possibility of a house fire. There are various fines in place for anyone caught out doing electrical work illegally, but by far the biggest penalty would be accidental electrocution. It’s just not worth it.
What Electrical Work Can I Legally Do Then?
Okay, so we’ve covered some of what you definitely can’t do and the potential penalties if you are caught, but what electrical work are you allowed to do yourself?